Commison goals – Anti-Corruption Portal Public Administration of Equatorial Guinea

Commison goals

Commison goals

The functions of the National Commission for the Prevention and Fight Against Corruption are:

Issue the necessary regulations and guidelines to fulfill the objectives and carry out the functions assigned in this Law.

Establish national strategies and policies, enhance understanding of corruption risk, and ensure cooperation and coordination at the national level. A Presidential decree will establish a National Multidisciplinary Working Group composed of all relevant agencies to monitor the implementation of national policies and ensure appropriate coordination and cooperation among the involved agencies. The Commission will serve as the Secretariat for the National Working Group.

Ensure the proper application of preventive measures, including the asset and interest declaration system, and the rules to avoid conflicts of interest.

Conduct operational investigations to anticipate, detect, uncover, and eliminate acts of corruption within its investigative jurisdiction under the Law; take measures to trace or seize funds or any other property that may be subject to confiscation or special forfeiture in criminal cases under its investigative jurisdiction according to this Law. Exercise custody over funds and any other related property.

Seek confidential and voluntary cooperation from individuals reporting acts of corruption.

Access relevant information and collaborate with other government agencies and competent authorities to perform its functions and refer cases of criminal relevance to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor or any other relevant agency.

Report on its activities in the manner established by this Law and communicate with the public about the results of its work.

Act as a sanctioning authority for administrative offenses defined in this Law.

Serve as the focal point for implementing the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the African Union Convention, and other relevant conventions ratified by Equatorial Guinea, and promote international cooperation in accordance with the laws and conventions ratified by Equatorial Guinea.
