Who we are? – Anti-Corruption Portal Public Administration of Equatorial Guinea

Who we are?

Who we are?

We are the National Commission for the Prevention and Fight Against Corruption (CNPLCC), a public law entity endowed with its own legal personality and full capacity to act autonomously to achieve established objectives.

The commission is a preventive and enforcement agency responsible for preventing, detecting, describing, and investigating acts of corruption, including those committed by high-ranking officials.

This commission must also be operationally independent and autonomous. It must have the authority and capacity to exercise its functions in the fight against corruption freely, including the autonomous decision to access a wide range of information, prevent and investigate acts of corruption, and send specific information to the competent agencies. The commission must be able to establish agreements and collaborate independently with other national authorities competent for information exchange. It must be able to obtain and deploy the necessary resources to carry out its functions without any undue political, governmental, or industrial influence or interference that could compromise its operational independence.

The National Commission for the Prevention and Fight Against Corruption will be governed by a regulation that defines its organization, resources, internal functioning, and controls. This regulation will be approved by the Council of Ministers within three months following the adoption of this law at the proposal of the commission and will be published in the Official Bulletin of the State.
